Monday, May 16, 2005

Alarm Clocks!

On my first night of starting this blog, I failed to depressing. So, let me share with you one of my classic dream.

Scenario: I was on board a really old looking train with open windows (no air conditioning) with 2 of my guy friends. I guess because of the heat (although in dreams, I realise we have no sense of temperature) , we were all happily sleeping. Then suddenly, an alarm clock went off! Everybody woke up and just looked at me. I realise it the irritating ringing was coming from my travel bag just at my foot. Unzipping the bag, I sleepishly took out the alarm clock and turn it off. Then we are all back sleeping again but in less than a few minutes, another alarm sound off. So everybody woke up again and looked at me accusingly. I was thinking "what the heck?!" as the previous offending clock is right in front of me and it is not ringing. But t really seems like the ringing is coming out of the bag so I unzip the damn thing again and guess what? Another alarm clock! Why do I bring along 2 alarm clocks for a trip? So I apologise and we all went to sleep again. And guess what, another alarm clock went off!!! So I quickly unzip the bag the third time and hey, another ringing alarm clock! So this stupid cycle happens about 8 to 10 times and the whole dream revolved around a stupified me unzipping bags and turning off alarm clocks! Finally, I was woken up from dreamland by the real world alarm clock by my bed. When I turn it off, I realise it has been ringing for the past 1 hour ...


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