Thursday, May 26, 2005

Mahjong & BCTC

3 nights ago, I had this really ridiculous dream. It was a mahjong session at some unidentifiable location. The wierd part of the scene is that it has a kind of tunnel right beside the Mahjong table. So it begins with 3 person assembled at the table, waiting for the 4th person to start the game. While we waited, this 4th person, crawled out of the tunnel and join us at the table. Then the game begins like there is absolutely nothing totally insane about this. It is like this wierd low tunnel is one of the common public transport in Singapore. It is like "sorry, i am late, today the tunnel very jam". Imagine this tunnel as one of your choice of transport while you rush to work in the morning. You now have the MRT, Buses, Taxi or the Tunnel.

Anyhow, we started the game and this guy-from-the-tunnel was evily lucky. He simply wipe us almost clean and winning every game at ridiculous speed. As we struggle to control his winning streak and trying to break this onslaught, I had a sudden realisation. Can the tunnel be the key to his luck? So after discussion with the other players, we unanimously agreed that it must be the tunnel - the 3 wise men decided. So we stop the game and guess what? We queue up, bend our knees and crawl on all fours into this tunnel. The tunnel is really small and as we proceed deeper, we are forced to lie on our tummy and do the leopard crawl. The situation gets worse as there are mud and water deeper into the tunnel. I was the leader in front and I saw a nasty black centipede slitter out of a small crack at the side of the tunnel. In a panicky voice, I shouted "watch out! got centipedeeeee!". Keeping a watchful eye on the evil creature, I advance deeper into the tunnel. This time, a slimy worm like creature began to emerge from yet another hole. It is a big fat slimy ugly leech! "Watch up ah, Xiao Liao, Got Leechhhhh!" .... then I woke up to the sound of the alarm much to my relief.

When I woke up, I was thinking quite a lot about this tunnel thing. What the hell is it? How did it come into the picture?

Then I remember... it is BCTC!!! I think it means Basic Combat Training Course which I undergone during reservist last year. At one of the obstacles, we are required to crawl through this dirty tunnel which is filled with water and mud. Recalling the experience, the BCTC tunnel looks exactly like the tunnel in the dream except for the evil creatures lurking in the dream.

The strange thing is that BCTC was more than a year ago and Mahjong is a twice a week affair ... how did the 2 got mixed together is Einstein's guess.


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