Thursday, May 26, 2005

Mahjong & BCTC

3 nights ago, I had this really ridiculous dream. It was a mahjong session at some unidentifiable location. The wierd part of the scene is that it has a kind of tunnel right beside the Mahjong table. So it begins with 3 person assembled at the table, waiting for the 4th person to start the game. While we waited, this 4th person, crawled out of the tunnel and join us at the table. Then the game begins like there is absolutely nothing totally insane about this. It is like this wierd low tunnel is one of the common public transport in Singapore. It is like "sorry, i am late, today the tunnel very jam". Imagine this tunnel as one of your choice of transport while you rush to work in the morning. You now have the MRT, Buses, Taxi or the Tunnel.

Anyhow, we started the game and this guy-from-the-tunnel was evily lucky. He simply wipe us almost clean and winning every game at ridiculous speed. As we struggle to control his winning streak and trying to break this onslaught, I had a sudden realisation. Can the tunnel be the key to his luck? So after discussion with the other players, we unanimously agreed that it must be the tunnel - the 3 wise men decided. So we stop the game and guess what? We queue up, bend our knees and crawl on all fours into this tunnel. The tunnel is really small and as we proceed deeper, we are forced to lie on our tummy and do the leopard crawl. The situation gets worse as there are mud and water deeper into the tunnel. I was the leader in front and I saw a nasty black centipede slitter out of a small crack at the side of the tunnel. In a panicky voice, I shouted "watch out! got centipedeeeee!". Keeping a watchful eye on the evil creature, I advance deeper into the tunnel. This time, a slimy worm like creature began to emerge from yet another hole. It is a big fat slimy ugly leech! "Watch up ah, Xiao Liao, Got Leechhhhh!" .... then I woke up to the sound of the alarm much to my relief.

When I woke up, I was thinking quite a lot about this tunnel thing. What the hell is it? How did it come into the picture?

Then I remember... it is BCTC!!! I think it means Basic Combat Training Course which I undergone during reservist last year. At one of the obstacles, we are required to crawl through this dirty tunnel which is filled with water and mud. Recalling the experience, the BCTC tunnel looks exactly like the tunnel in the dream except for the evil creatures lurking in the dream.

The strange thing is that BCTC was more than a year ago and Mahjong is a twice a week affair ... how did the 2 got mixed together is Einstein's guess.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Singapore Girls

I did dream yesterday. I woke up at 7 a.m. and was very excited that I dreamt again. But it was not a straightforward dream and perhaps it ends minutes before I was awake as the memory is confusing and weak. So I dare not get up from bed and lay in bed trying to remember the dream... unfortunately, I feel alseep again and has no recollection of the dream at all now. Anyhow, I would like to share a bad experience I have today.

I use a service office somewhere at Orchard road. There is this super cute receptionist-business executive there that handles my calls and mails. She has large brown eyes that radiate life and laugh brightly and her smile is so genuine and nice. One look at her and I am immediately transported to heaven and all my worldly worries erased in an instant. I felt comfortable chatting with her each time I collect my mails from the service office. We had some conversation the last 2 times I went and I start to think about her a little these few days. So I got my friends to call the office and leave fake urgent messages for me so that she will call me on my mobile to inform me. Yes, I am a scheming idiot. Anyway, she never called but sms me instead. Then I suddenly suffered temporary insanity and decide I would just call her for a date.

"Hi, Can I speak to ABC?" - Idiot me

"Huh .. er..." - ABC of course

"I want to speak to ABC from 123 Service Office" - Stupid me

"Yes, this is ABC, can I help you?" - ABC

"Oh ... this is Dreamwierd .. I..." - I suddenly lost my ability of speech, the floor is spinning and I have difficulty breathing.

"Oh, can I help you with anything?" ABC said with a little laugh ...

"Yeah, err... this is a little rude ... but I would like to know you better and have a dinner with you ..." I wished I was never born

"oh ... " nervous laugh "I don't do that for clients" ABC

"No, not as client but as a friend ..." I tried to sound cool and laugh a little .. like it is nothing and it is completely normal but my heart was cruely knifed and I felt like the biggest idiot in the world. I knew it was not time yet, why, why did I do this? I plead temporary insanity.. someone kill me now, have mercy!

"oh no .. sorry" ABC said meekly

"oh well, no problem, see you around then" .. my heart just died and nothing seems to matter anymore at that moment ...

"ok, see you" ABC

Haiz, what is the big problem? It is just a dinner? Did I asked for more? What is wrong with just a dinner. Everyone has to eat isn't it? So what is wrong with eating your meal, sitting opposite me and have a little conversation? Am I so loathesome? I am sure I am not! When I was in Bangkok a month ago, I went to hardrock cafe everynight because I loved the live band and all the drinks are so cheap as compared to Singapore. I got to know 4 girls from those nights and we danced all night, chat like old friends and exchange numbers .. just like that. What is wrong about girls in Singapore? Why are they all so cramp up? I am not even an ah beng! You can see the difference with our girls are as compared to elsewhere. Even in a pub or disco environment, they are so so untouchable and difficult to make friends with. Elsewhere, girls will even take the initiative and chat with you.

Anyway, it is another ego bashing day for me. And hey, my only wish is simply to be loved. Looks like even that is too high an aim to achieve. I thought we had a connection. I thought we felt comfortable with one another. Don't tell me all those laughter and chatting are just a fake front - a client service! This is really full of shit! What does it mean by "I don't do that for client" ... am I some dirty old fart asking for sex in exchange for business?! MY GOD! IT IS JUST A DAMN DINNER!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Double Decker Bus

My Favourite Uncle drives the bus for TIBS initially and now, I think he is driving for SBS (or is it SMRT now?) Anyway, I dream of him yesterday. I remember only very little because I woke up rather late and had to rush for the car pool going to work. So I had only about a few minutes to try to recall the dream.

It was at a typical bus depot when I met my uncle and his bunch of kids. They waved to me happily to join them before boarding a double decker bus. So I board the bus too and somehow ended on the upper floor of the bus. Smiling stupidly, my uncle point to the driver seat and sort of asked me to drive the bus. As if it is very usual, I took the driver seat and start the engine. I did not realise anything was wierd while I am in the dream but on recollection, I was driving the damn bus from the second floor. Yes, the driver seats on top. You think it is a great idea because the driver has a birdeye view? It is true somehow until I need to reverse the bus in the dream... I realise I have no idea what is behind the bus! So while, in the dream, a confused me tries to manueveur the monsterous machine out of its parking lot. I reverse carefully but careful is probably the wrong word here because there is no way for me to be careful because it was impossible to see anything behind to be careful about in the first place. Nevertheless, I reverse the bus .. ***BANG!*** damn! I crashed into something! I do not remember running from my seat to the back but somehow, I can now see that I have crashed into 2 vechicles! One a van and the other a car. They are badly crashed in the front and I panic in the dream. In the dream, I break into cool perspiration and kept worrying about how much I would have to pay for the damages. Strangely, Uncle and his bunch of kids had disappeared and I am all alone, worrying and wanting to cry because I am so broke I can never pay for the damages ...

Monday, May 16, 2005

Alarm Clocks!

On my first night of starting this blog, I failed to depressing. So, let me share with you one of my classic dream.

Scenario: I was on board a really old looking train with open windows (no air conditioning) with 2 of my guy friends. I guess because of the heat (although in dreams, I realise we have no sense of temperature) , we were all happily sleeping. Then suddenly, an alarm clock went off! Everybody woke up and just looked at me. I realise it the irritating ringing was coming from my travel bag just at my foot. Unzipping the bag, I sleepishly took out the alarm clock and turn it off. Then we are all back sleeping again but in less than a few minutes, another alarm sound off. So everybody woke up again and looked at me accusingly. I was thinking "what the heck?!" as the previous offending clock is right in front of me and it is not ringing. But t really seems like the ringing is coming out of the bag so I unzip the damn thing again and guess what? Another alarm clock! Why do I bring along 2 alarm clocks for a trip? So I apologise and we all went to sleep again. And guess what, another alarm clock went off!!! So I quickly unzip the bag the third time and hey, another ringing alarm clock! So this stupid cycle happens about 8 to 10 times and the whole dream revolved around a stupified me unzipping bags and turning off alarm clocks! Finally, I was woken up from dreamland by the real world alarm clock by my bed. When I turn it off, I realise it has been ringing for the past 1 hour ...

Virgin Speech!

I guess I dream too much and the wierd thing is, I can remember my dream so well. It does not come naturally but takes a bit of effort... and it doea gets easier with practice. When I have a dream, I will always try to reconstruct it before I get out of bed. Why? Because I am always amazed dreams itself. Isn't it hyper cool that your subconscious actually cook up all these stories? Isn't it a little errie too because what if your brain decide to cook up some story in the day too.. isn't that what is happening to all those mental people? I like recalling my dreams and trying to make some sense out of it. To me, it is like going to the movie. I like to link it to my life and see what my mind is thinking. I heard that dreams are useless and nonsense type of info that your brains try to rid of. I guess I am driving my own brain nuts by salvaging these rubbish when they are suppose to be disposed. And because dreams are as dreams, messy and crazily sequenced, when I collect them back and place it into memory, the whole mind get more fuck up. And the more fuck up it is, the brain will try to dream more and rid of all these useless info ... and I will have more dreams to remember and further screw up my mind. You see the vicious cycle? Yes, that's it. That is the formula. If you want to dream more, you just have to start remembering what you dream. Hence, I decide to further antagonise my poor brain further by blogging my dreams! Hopefully, I do not get Dreamer's Block just when I start this! So now, I am going to hop into bed and start blogging. Welcome to DreamWierds!