Saturday, June 04, 2005

Miata Baby

I want to own a Mazda Miata! The Miata is actually not my favourite convertible but when I recently realise that I could possibly afford to buy a 10 year old Miata, I began thinking about it everyday. Its like a mad young infatuation. I long to feel the Miata, its slender body, feel its romp .. it is so me!

This morning, I met with a owner of a 94' Miata 1.8, red with those white sporty stripes (I feel the stripes is too much) to view the potential purchase. Because of this, yesterday night, I dreamt of dear Miata.

The Miata in my dream is really wierd. At first look, it appears very "industrial" with raw steel plates all around it. Imagine a Miata in one of those steel armour costume wore by medieval knights. Then the owner click on a remote controller and the steel plates start shifting, revealing a light yellow Miata within the protective shell!!! The owner was obviously tired of people scratching and defacing his beloved Miata that he made a protective coat for his baby. The problem is that the steel frame concealing the front bonnet was not done or designed well. Even when the protective plates has retracted, there is still a metal frame around the bonnet which is very ugly.

In the dream, i could only stared at the creature in amazement. I cannot even begin to understand the roller coaster emotion that I have within me. Is this clever or sheer stupidity.. I mean, nobody has done this before. It makes the beautiful somewhat ugly but hey, it also made it uniquely ugly. Yet, it is also so cool in its raw industrial construction... it is so Gotlam city! It is so funky and so backyard high tech! It simply blows my mind away! Pity I did not stay in the dream long enough to test drive it.

Deconstructing the dream to understand where all the shits came from:

A yellow Miata? I have never seen one in my short 2 months of attention and craze about the Mita. This is because my friend, Su Ming suggested that I should have a yellow Miata instead of red... the yellow Miata really looks quite nice in the dream.

Steel protective plates? Industrial rawness? This must be influenced by the Lifeshop friends only party at their Jalan Ampas warehouse on Thursday. At the party, I kept admiring the range of chandelier ... it is made of industrial looking, dusty wires that create the shape of a traditional chandelier, much like what you would expect if you drew a chandelier in line art. It is very batman feel!

Miata! Of course that is because I am suppose to feel a real Miata for the first time this morning instead of staring at the Miata on my wallpaper.

Haiz, when will I get my Miata


Blogger Radikaz said...

my hard and you will get more than a Miata..hehe

All the best ~~

3:21 PM  

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